giovedì 17 novembre 2016


Brevissimo tutorial per realizzare un materiale V-Ray che simuli il metallo colorato.
Carichiamo un VRayMtl in uno slot libero del Material Editor.
Very short tutorial to make a V-Ray material that simulates the colored metal.
We load a VRayMtl into a free slot of the Material Editor.


Diffuse: nero
Reflect: impostate il colore desiderato.
Fresnel: NO
Diffuse: black
Reflect: Set the desired color.
Fresnel: NO

Render test


Diffuse: nero
Reflect: impostare lo stesso valore per i canali RGB. In questo esempio RGB 225, 225, 225. E' sconsigliato usare il bianco puro (RGB 255, 255, 255)
Fresnel: NO
Diffuse: blackReflect: set the same value for the RGB channels. In this example, RGB 225, 225, 225. It is not recommended to use pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255)
Fresnel: NO

Render test

Altri link sui materiali V-Ray:
--> Parametri generali dei materiali V-Ray (VRayMtl) / General parameters of V-Ray materials (VRayMtl) 
--> Parquet con V-Ray Material / Parquet with V-Ray Material
--> Specchio con V-Ray Material  / Mirror with V-Ray Material
--> Vetro con V-Ray Material / Glass with V-Ray Material

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If you liked this tutorial click on any of the ads on the page or - better yet - click on the button below to use Paypal and make a donation of € 1.00. Thank you.

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